(Client Endorsement)
(Facebook), (Website)
A Wonderful Quilt shop near Vinita, Oklahoma.
Pin-n-Quilts has fabric, notions, classes, consignments,
crafts and gifts. There are monthly sew-ins! Thank you for your patience, while they relocate and remodel their store and website!
Please contact them via Face Book with your questions or sewing needs.
(Client Endorsement)
(Facebook), (Website)
A growing community of shops located between Ketchum and Vinita, Oklahoma on Hwy 82. Looking for fabric or other sewing notions for your next quilt or project? Stop by Pin-n-Quiltsquilt shop, find your next sewing project, drop your sewing machine off for a tune-up then browse the Amish built buildings and pick-up your produce at "The Farmacy" our local farmer's market.
St. Louis, Mo area
(Client Endorsement)
(Facebook), (Website)
Colorado Springs, Colorado
(Facebook), (Website)
A nice
website with a searchable database to find North Eastern Oklahoma businesses, parks, resorts, real
estate etc.... Located in the Grove/ Grand lake area.
Everyone should have a
Would you like to have a link posted here? Contact us with your information and we will review your site for inclusion.